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Center Digital Editions & Edition Analytics

Open Up

Below you will find development services and tools:



The GND editorial staff of the UB and ZB supports digital edition projects in the active use as well as the independent recording of records in the web form of the GND. The GND Editorial Office

  • provides access to the web form
  • provides a handout for working with the web form
  • offers a GND introduction
  • is available as a contact person for questions and problems  regarding GND records
  • advises on the subsequent use of the data
  • compares which persons, places etc from your lists or registers already exist in the GND

The GND consulting service is free of charge for research projects at UZH.



Web service for searching letter editions by sender, recipient, place of writing and date. correspSearch is developed by TELOTA, the DH initiative of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Open standards for data exchange and data processing are used. The interface is open and documented so that the data can be queried and used by other projects. 

correspSearch - Searching and networking letter editions

An interface with correspSearch is implemented for example in the Philingk project. 


Widely used search engine based on Lucene. 
